Alaska, Trip Reports, Uncategorized
King Salmon , Alaska
Martin Brown
King Salmon, Alaska with King Salmon Lodge – August 2018
Three friends and I went to King Salmon Lodge for silver salmon. Fished first two days on Naknek River by lodge and got our limit of salmon, Did a fly-out trip to another river and caught lots of salmon–fishing was excellent. Another day we took utility vehicle with guide and traveled cross country for couple of hours to fish for rainbows, dolly varden and grayling. Fished this smaller stream with both fly rods and spinning rods–was a pleasant day catching fish and having an excellent shore lunch. Took a day and flew to Katmai National Park to view the brown bears. Saw lots of bears and enjoyed walking and visiting with rangers and folks at the park. Can fish there among the bears if you choose to . Last couple of days we again fished on the Naknek. Accommodations and food was excellent. Guides were very knowledgeable and helpful. Trip was better than expectations. Always a good feeling.
Outfitter Rating
- Overall, my trip was a great experience.
- My outfitter’s communication before, during and after the trip was good.
- My guide was good.
- Physically, the trip was moderate.
- The food and accommodations were amazing.
Consultant Rating
- My consultant was Brian Oakland.
- My consultant’s communication before, during and after the trip was good.
- My consultant was very knowledgeable, and a pleasure to talk to.
- Would you book another trip with us in the future? Yes
Can we use your stories and/or photos on our website? Yes
Can we use this in social media? Yes